Shocking Numbers in Leadership Stress | Ask Dr. Annika

Annika Sorensen
3 min readApr 30, 2021

Studies by the Swedish JobHealthIndex show that 26% of the leadership in the private work sector feel psychological unease to go to work a few times a week or even more often. For the leadership in the tax paid services, unease when thinking of work is shockingly at 43%.

Those are indeed shocking numbers and unfortunately, I believe they are true.

There is a myth that once you have become the boss, life at work will be so much easier.

Obviously, THAT IS NOT TRUE.

Ever since 2016 statistics have shown that the boss feels less well than the workers.

AND like all other feelings and moods, this is contagious right down the line in the organization making everyone feel less well than they would without this contagious unwell mode.

Do you too feel the STRESS now and then? Or a feeling of UNEASE when you think of your job? Even feel SCARED that you are not enough? Feel that people TALK BEHIND YOUR BACK and COMPLAIN about you?

It doesn’t have to be that wayIT SHOULDN’T BE THAT WAY!

IT IS ABOUT YOUR LIFE. And you want a good life, because who doesn’t?


LAY DOWN on the ground and play dead? START A FIGHT with someone in the office who offends you? Or RUN AWAY from work and NEVER COME BACK?

These tactics are the tactics built into your spine back then some 200000 years ago when we were turned into humans by evolution — as reflexes to a threat. And these tactics don’t work very well in today’s society. We need to find other ways to defend ourselves and to find a good life.

Let me give you 4 SOLID TIPS on how you can become a better and a much more SUSTAINABLE LEADER. It is an important issue not to be taken lightly because you deserve a great life and you deserve the best in work. All to make you a great and healthy leader.


Yes, leaders have the right to take a break — to rejuvenate. Letting your brain have a rest improves your ability to think and do the right things tremendously. A healthy break can be anything between 5 minutes to 5 days — just to get back on track inside your head. Please note — this is a normal need for every human being. And there needs to be a balance between work and private life. These are a few effective things to do to get control of your workload and at the same time RAISE THE PROFIT IN THE BUSINESS. Start with one of the things on the list. Work towards that goal and take small steps in that direction. Soon you will see BIG CHANGES. If you need help to know what step to take feel free to To your success and keep smiling! book a free call with Dr. Annika and we will find out together.

Originally published at on April 30, 2021.



Annika Sorensen

MD, TEDx-speaker, Stress-to-Calm-Mentor Helping Stressed Out Business Leaders Slow Down to Speed Up and Finally Get Things Done Without Having to Work Harder